Diverse Learning Environments
Our babies are acquainted with workmanship and music through an experiential hands on approach. They connect unreservedly with different protected and uproarious materials like pots, skillet, and utensils. They are urged to draw in with valid instruments acquainted with them by proficient artists as they find out with regards to circumstances and logical results. Babies are offered the chance to contact and slither on instruments including guitars, saxophones and harps.
We draw in our newborn children with protected and muddled materials like paint, earth and water. They are additionally offered the chance to notice and associate with the regular world, like plants and blossoms.
We will:
Join in children’s play and ask questions that extend their thinking about the play activity.
Explain what is occurring while playing alongside a child.
Ask questions about the children’s actions, encouraging them to think about what comes next.
Provide activities that encourage interactive play with others.
Verbalize what another child is doing to encourage imitation interaction
Pose questions that involve simple comparisons. (e.g., “Who has more?”)
Point out to children instances where groups of objects have more or less.
Acknowledge children’s efforts of comparison
We will:
Provide opportunities for children to explore objects and ask questions about the natural and human-made environment. Provide time for children to thoroughly explore or become involved in specific activities or materials. Use question/answer techniques to promote inquiry.
Provide a variety of familiar and unfamiliar objects and experiences.
Allow children time during the day to make independent choices.
Encourage children to use new vocabulary when discussing pictures or real objects.
Introducing new vocabulary.
Provide a numerically rich environment. (e.g., books, songs, pictures)
Practical Life exercises instill in the child the care for oneself, for others, and for the environment. Activities that children might enjoy at home, including ‘grace and courtesy’. Through tasks such as buckling a shoe, children develop the muscular and fine motor coordination necessary for handwriting. Their powers of control and concentration evolve, so they learn to work at a task from beginning to end.
Reading and Writing ability is developed by paying attention simultaneously to the mind, the hand and the eye of each child, a multi-sensorial approach. Practical life and sensorial exercises enable the use of a pencil, pen or chalk. Children gain a notion of rich and precise language through bilingual conversation, storytelling, poetry and songs.
Sensorial Material serves as a tool for both physical and cognitive development. The children's developmental order by being allowed to explore their world through their senses and respond to their natural desire to sort, classify and arrange both the physical properties of their environment and more abstract experiences.
Mathematics material similarly helps the children evolve from a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles, to preparation for later abstract reasoning. This also helps them develop problem-solving capabilities.